Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 6 and 7 - Coff's to Nambucca

Got to be quick on this one as I'm sitting in a chip shop smelling kiosk, I'm tired and the web point is like something out of a 60s Sci-fi movie. It's going to start asking me to call it Hal and then defrost the freezer and short circuit the cold drinks machine, electrecuting me as I try to pull the plug.

Xmas day was very relaxing as we sat round the pool in Coff's, ate loads of food and generally zoned out. Today was a relatively short one of 42kms to Nambucca. we had following winds and so pressed onto Scott's Head after a pretty knackering 2nd half. Even though the winds are behind us know, the chop is heavy and it takes a lot of effort to keep the kayak stable and on course. lots of dolphins, no shark sightings but I've heard since that there were some tiger sharks out there today. Scott's passed out and I'm heading to bed.

Night. ROB

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are really incredible!! Pushing on like that!! I think what you are doing is AMAZING!! Keep up the fantastic work!!
Love Dom