Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bring on the coverage!

We got our first piece of coverage on the paddle this week - a whole half page at the front of the Wentworth Courier, a well read Sydney weekly. I place stories on big companies for a living so it's weird to be pitching yourself in, but great to be doing it for a charitable cause. If you're interested in reading the article then click on the title above.

Also really exciting news - we now have a logo, thanks to Brad Madge and his design skills. We just need to get T-shirts and caps made up now for all our adoring groupies. Really, if anyone can help us get 20 T-shirts printed in size 8 DD, please let us know.

Training's going good. I've had a couple of pre-work sessions during the week with Guy Leech and his hard core group of gnarly locals. Last weekend I had a couple or more beers in Manly stuffed a tenner in a pokie and won $700 straight up. I couldn't believe it. So I woke up the next morning pegged it down to the wharf and spanked it all on a second hand sit-on-top kayak for morning paddle sessions. It's now sitting padlocked to the side of the house. It's a big ol lump of plastic to be carrying down to the water and I almost fell down the stairs with the think balanced on my head on Tuesday, but so worth it once in. I live on Fairy Bower in Manly so I just paddled down the beach and back up to Shelly. Great thing to do as the sun's coming up.

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